Hanford Landfill Closure
Kings County, California
Landfill Closure
EBA was responsible for the preparation of the final closure and post-closure maintenance plans for this landfill. EBA evaluated the on-site materials for use in the final cover system and also prepared the final construction plans, specifications, Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan and bid documents.
Closure design included a geocomposite liner (GCL) cap on the 72-acre landfill with perimeter surface water drainage systems, development of an on-site stormwater retention basin and the design of an active landfill gas (LFG) collection system and flare.
EBA also coordinated approval of the closure from Cal Recycle (formerly the California Integrated Waste Management Board) and the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
EBA provided construction inspection and CQA field services during the construction phase of the project and also prepared the Final Construction Certification Report.