Industrial Stormwater General Permit
The current Industrial Storm Water General Permit Order 97-03-DWQ regulates discharges associated with 10 broad categories of industrial activities including, but not limited to manufacturing facilities, oil and gas/mining facilities, hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facilities, landfills, dumps, recycling facilities, transportation facilities and sewage or wastewater treatment facilities.
This permit requires that specific industrial activities develop and implement SWPPPs and monitor their pollutants while using the best available technology (BAT) to reduce pollutants in their discharges. An updated industrial general permit is currently undergoing public comment and review. A copy of the current draft general industrial permit can be found here.
This new industrial permit will be similar to the current construction permit in that it will require that a certified QSD develop the SWPPP and that a trained QSP perform inspections, monitor and sample. It is very important to have appropriately trained staff to correctly assess the facility and develop appropriate and economical BMPs.
This updated industrial permit will also set numeric limitations for stormwater runoff and additional monitoring and reporting requirements. Initial monitoring for a low risk site requires twice yearly sampling of representative storms and periodic inspections.
Changes in the new industrial permit include requiring a broader range of facilities to enroll in the program and develop stormwater management programs. Additional stormwater sampling and inspections will also apply to sites that exceed Numeric Action Limits (NALs) for primary stormwater constituents. Additional sampling and analytical testing will be based on site conditions and performance of existing stormwater measures that are determined by sampling and inspections of the facility.
EBA has prepared and implemented industrial SWPPPs including monitoring, inspections, sampling and report preparation for a large variety of facilities.
EBA can help you answer these questions:
- Does the new industrial permit apply to your facility?
- What is my projects risk level?
- What is a qualifying rain event?
- Is my project in compliance with the new industrial stormwater permit?