Sonoma Springs Affordable Housing
Sonoma, California
Phase I: Entitlement
EBA provided civil engineering and planning services for the Sonoma Springs Affordable Housing project in Sonoma, CA. The project is being developed on 3 parcels spanning 7 acres, and will consist of a 60-unit family housing complex, a 40-unit senior housing complex, a 6,500 square foot commercial development, a community garden, a shared use playground with Sonoma Charter School and a portion of the Central Sonoma Valley Trail through the site. EBA worked closely with the community and project team in preparing the conceptual development plans that were used for project entitlement with the County of Sonoma.
Phase II: Construction Documents and Permitting
EBA is currently fast tracking construction documents in preparation for Phase I of the project, which includes the 60-unit family housing complex, the Central Sonoma Valley Trail, playground improvements , and the back bone infrastructure for the 40-unit senior housing complex and commercial site. The project will start construction in June 2015 with a completion in December 2016.